Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Kittens have been busy.

Now, being a freelancer, a great deal of what I do never sees the light of day. But these did see the light of a pub where they were used to sell the client on the new tagline and positioning. We hung these in an Irish pub for a client lunch meeting and let them just "find" them on the walls. These posters, and likely a few bumps, got the client onboard. Client: Red Locks Whiskey. Agency: Rise & Shine & Partners. Writer: Andy Graca.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Trystar PowerGen Display

Trystar makes portable and permanent power products. Theirs are the best and they want to be the biggest. We decided we wouldn't wait to look like we already were. This 30'x40' display created with Nimlock Minnesota was the hit of the New Orleans PowerGen Show. And that is officially the biggest damned logo I've ever used on anything.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Homestead Road

Do you want to clean, fix, paint, repair, list, show and sell your home? Or do you just want to sell it? Homestead Road buys your house as-is so you don't have to do a thing. And that's a pretty damned good feeling. Copywriter: Vince Beggin

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Starwood Properties

Trying to please over 30 different shopping malls in all corners of the country with one holiday campaign isn't easy. But when writer, Tom Lieberman, said "Christmas. Put a bow on it." I was pretty sure we had it. I also got to learn all about the world of professional Santas. It's not as scary as clowns, but I assure you it's plenty weird.

Copywriter: Tom Lieberman

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Blue Angel Vodka

A booze brand that gives 100% of it's profits to charity? Drink up.

Copywriter: Blake Kelly

Chuze Fitness

With better amenities, more classes, on-site childcare, spa-like locker rooms and an insanely low monthly fee, why wouldn't you choose Chuze?

Copywriter: Jan Petit

Starwood Malls

Christmas in real life is just better.